Personalized Wellness Retreats

The Personalized Wellness Retreat experience will give you the necessary healing, energy and clarity tailored to your needs and desires . Your current health, body symptoms, struggles/challenges in life gives the insight on what is needed to be incorporate into your Personalized Wellness Retreat. The itinerary is focused on giving your mind, body and soul the full benefit from healthy eating (cooking classes), energizing and healing methods (meditation, yoga, mindfulness activities), chakra balancing (meditation, essential oils, crystals) and emotional awareness activities (coaching session). You will leave The Personalized Wellness Retreat feeling energized, recharged and rebalanced!
" I am beyond grateful for this weekend and will never forget it! Amie, I look up to you on how much you love life and radiate happiness. I aspire to feel like that! Every activity was so well executed and your home felt like a second home to me. I went into this weekend anxious about work and etc and by the end of the Wellness Retreat I felt an inner peace like no other. Truly, thank you so much, it changed may life! It was incredible, some of the best 24 hours of my life!"
Kaela, 23 yrs old, 1 overnight stay
" I was really impressed with my personalized wellness retreat! I was pretty surprised at how much progress Amie and I made in such a short time. I loved how Amie coached me into relaxation and confidence and helped me get to the bottom of my stressors. I became so relaxed during my stay at the retreat, enjoyed trying new healthy foods and recipes and all the activities were incredibly helpful. The atmosphere was amazing, I enjoyed the flexible itinerary and I'm feeling so much happier! Starting 2019 is going to be exciting and fulfilling now that I am prepare!"
Jenna, 25 yrs old (attended 2 night stay)
A Wellness Retreat Experience - Jenna and her dog Lily
The Details
Private Retreat: 1 day retreat $450+HST
2 overnight stays $700+HST
3 overnight stays $1000+HST
Duo Retreat: 1 day retreat $300+HST/per person
2 overnight stays $550+HST/per person
3 overnight stays $800+HST/ per person
Location: Prince Edward County, Ontario
Accommodations: 1 bedroom with a queen bed, 3 piece bathroom, open concept kitchen, living room with wood burning fireplace, yoga/meditation room and sunroom.
Included: healthy food for meals and snacks, teas and water for beverages, towels, yoga/meditation and workout equipment and organic cleansing products for showering. Barn visits to spend time with Leo my therapeutic horse.
Please be advised that this is a chemical-free and electronic-free environment to enhance the calming, therapeutic and benefits of the retreat.
For more details or to sign up, please contact me at amieloga@gmail.com or call 647-300-5642.
"This was an amazing experience that I'm so lucky to have taken part in. My only regret is that I didn't stay longer"
Chloe, grade 8, 1 overnight stay